In the Heat of the Night

In the Heat of the Knight


For years I had resisted including this sculpture in amongst all the other sculptures we done. There were a couple of reasons for this. One, the people who now comprise the core Jeffco had nothing to do with designing this sculpture; it was designed by Joe Donnelly, it was his sculpture. We agreed to help create the sculpture as members of the Merivale High School Art Club. He deserves all the credit for designing, organizing, overseeing and generally making sure it got built. And two, I never liked this sculpture as much as our other sculptures. No offence to Joe, but the subject and the idea behind the sculpture did not inspire me personally so I was a bit reluctant to stand behind it wholeheartedly. That being said, I do think we learned a tremendous amount from this sculpture, and we had fun doing it, so there's no reason not to include it among the sculptures we've built. Another reason to include it is that I've heard it said that some of our later sculptures could be intimidating for sculptors just starting out, so including our first effort might show people what we learned and just how we learned it.

The sculpture in progress

In The Heat of The Knight was a sculpture of a medieval knight approaching a castle guarded by a dragon. I really can't speak much more on the subject matter because I don't think there was anything else to it. It was a sculpture designed for the audience's enjoyment with a whimsical fantasy theme. It was designed to meet the expectations of sculptors and audiences alike.

In The Heat of The Knight was created in January/February 1988 on Dow's Lake, Ottawa. The sculpture won second place in the Academic Category.


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A Team Photo