Hogwarts Acceptance Letter

Hogwarts Acceptance Letter
Hogwarts Acceptance Letter

A friend of ours has a daughter who’s very much into Harry Potter, and apparently acceptance letters for Hogwarts come when you turn eleven, so for her eleventh birthday Joelle and I made her her very own acceptance letter, to be delivered this afternoon. Here are a number of pictures of the letter we sent, and a copy of the logo we made for it.

Hogwarts Letter - Logo
Hogwarts Letter – Logo (Downloadable PDF)
Hogwarts Letter - Wax Seal
Hogwarts Letter – Wax Seal
Hogwarts Letter - Insert
Hogwarts Letter – Insert
Hogwarts Letter - Envelope Cut
Hogwarts Letter – Envelope Cut
Hogwarts Letter - Pages
Hogwarts Letter – Pages
Hogwarts Letter - Address
Hogwarts Letter – Address
Hogwarts Letter - Wax Seal
Hogwarts Letter – Wax Seal

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