Winterlude Photos: 2002

Photos from the City of Ottawa’s Winterlude Snow Sculpture contest, 2002.

Another batch of old photos from my collections through the years. This year the City of Ottawa moved the sculptures up off Dows Lake and the canal because the temperature was too unpredictable and it was difficult to tell if the world’s largest (and longest at the time) skating rink, would be frozen enough in time to hold the weight of the sculptures. As a result, size restrictions were imposed and the number of sculptures was reduced so they would fit on the banks of the canal. They did get completed, but this year, the quality of the snow provided was poorer than usual and you can see in that in the finished sculptures.

Once again, attributions were not recorded, so unfortunately I can’t tell you the teams that worked on these particular sculptures.

If you’d like to learn more about the Jeffco Winterlude Snow Sculptures, or see any of the many other photos or sculptor’s resources from the City of Ottawa and Winterlude of years gone by, check out the Jeffco Snow Sculpture, Winterlude Links and Sculptor Resource pages.

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